
Ilysium Hold
Cloven In Twain (Aug 10, 2019 4:49:21 GMT)
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The capital of the Isborn-Bellumese Commonwealth, the Ilysium Hold is the most industrialized and elegantly stylized city in the country, it existing upon the small moon between the twin planets' orbit.
Isborn-Bellumese Commonwealth
Once two proud nations, Isberg and Bellum have long been united under the banner of the Isborn-Bellumese Commonwealth. Known for their production of elementium as well as the frigid climates citizens of the IBC inhabit, the country is respected on the galactic scale for its hardy culture and distinct religions, despite its size.
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[D-Class Mission] The Ilysium Job ( Mar 8, 2020 18:41:02 GMT )
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