
Approved Characters
Viji (Nov 10, 2020 16:57:18 GMT)
29 threads
163 posts
All approved characters will be placed here.
Approved NPCs
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All approved NPCs will be placed here. Unless otherwise specified, NPCs can be used by any player.
WIP Area
FFXIV: Silk Asu - Miquo'te Astrologian (Oct 8, 2020 14:43:59 GMT)
20 threads
37 posts
All WIP profiles must be posted here. Please message a moderator if you would like a thread to be moved.
Character Creation
After checking out the rules, you'll want to create your character. You must have a character to RP.
51 threads
204 posts
Resiel Star Reaver ( Dec 27, 2020 18:03:18 GMT )
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