
AP Shop
Esharvendrae (May 6, 2020 20:53:29 GMT)
7 threads
14 posts
You can buy AP items here.
Approved Items
S.H.R.O.U.D System (Dec 6, 2020 3:36:52 GMT)
52 threads
121 posts
Approved items go here. Remember to submit a modification to purchase your character's items.
WIP Items
The Armory (Feb 24, 2020 13:42:58 GMT)
3 threads
3 posts
Here is where WIP items go if you are not quite finished with a submission.
Item Creation
Here is where you can create your own items, both big and small.
64 threads
140 posts
M.U.T.T ( Dec 9, 2020 22:51:28 GMT )
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