Site News

Secret Santa 2020 (Dec 30, 2020 19:19:47 GMT)
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Here you can read all about the exciting new events of BG and join in on the adventure!
August 2020 Update (Aug 11, 2020 3:24:53 GMT)
8 threads
9 posts
Here you will find the latest updates involving site changes and rules in detail.

Roleplay Information

Rules & Roleplay Information
Specific Magic Systems (Jul 30, 2020 17:49:54 GMT)
15 threads
37 posts
This is where you will find all you need to know to join the adventure.
Character Creation
Resiel Star Reaver (Dec 27, 2020 18:03:18 GMT)
51 threads
204 posts
After checking out the rules, you'll want to create your character. You must have a character to RP.
Rome Mod #1 (Jan 3, 2021 21:41:57 GMT)
9 threads
16 posts
Submit modifications for your character, whether they be simple stat changes or complete overhauls, here.
Item Creation
M.U.T.T (Dec 9, 2020 22:51:28 GMT)
64 threads
140 posts
Here is where you can create your own items, both big and small.
Mission Board
Grading Requests (Jan 12, 2021 21:31:19 GMT)
19 threads
51 posts
Here is where you can find missions sponsored by organizations. Arcs are also submitted here.
The Zheng (Nov 11, 2020 12:55:06 GMT)
27 threads
32 posts
You can find information regarding the various countries, organizations, and other aspects of BG here.

[IC] Core Nations

Federation of Fioran States
The Cuisine Caper! (Solo Thread) (May 11, 2021 9:41:55 GMT)
32 threads
384 posts
The Federation of Fioran States, more commonly called Fiore or the Federation, is the center of magical activity in the galaxy, both the innate and manufactured variants. It is also one of the most populous nations, and has the greatest freedoms, although such comes with a generally more risky lifestyle, or at least in the first world definition of such.
Union of Pergrande
[C-Class Mission] Rumor Has It (Mar 24, 2020 3:00:27 GMT)
2 threads
17 posts
The Union of Pergrande is a socialist federation steeped in tradition as its predecessor was. In an ideological conflict with Fiore, the government of Pergrande stresses group unity over individualism, and as a result to outsiders it can seem to be an unforgiving culture. However, the nation is known for its weapons exports, although they are relatively isolated in the galactic economy.
Boscan Großereich
Holi-daze~ (Jan 12, 2021 21:23:41 GMT)
6 threads
174 posts
The Boscan Großereich is a democracy in name, although functions more as a oligarchy in practice. Despite this, Bosco is one of the most populous countries in the galaxy, and its people are generally well off. Strength is valued and weakness scorned in the Reich, however, its industrial economy and style of life reflecting these values.

[IC] Peripheral Nations

Elseimian State
[D-Class Mission] Trifecta (Jul 15, 2020 2:42:31 GMT)
4 threads
44 posts
Elseima, called such in all references except the most official, is one of the outlier nations of the galaxy, and although its inhabitants are descendants from Earthland, they are far more removed than most other countries. The nation itself has a rather unique culture, and native Elseimians lack any true magic, leading to the development of unique technologies.
Isborn-Bellumese Commonwealth
[D-Class Mission] The Ilysium Job (Mar 8, 2020 18:41:02 GMT)
2 threads
21 posts
Once two proud nations, Isberg and Bellum have long been united under the banner of the Isborn-Bellumese Commonwealth. Known for their production of elementium as well as the frigid climates citizens of the IBC inhabit, the country is respected on the galactic scale for its hardy culture and distinct religions, despite its size.
Republic of Chorus
Day to learn (Feb 20, 2021 3:43:37 GMT)
12 threads
137 posts
A nation once pulled apart by the conflict between Fiore and Pergrande, Chorus has emerged as a growing industrial power, attracting corporate conglomerates that have invested into the country. However, while boosting Chorus's economy, these businesses have effectively made the government chained to them, corruption running rampant on the developing planet.
Republic of Stella
[Arc] Respite (Jul 16, 2020 21:42:10 GMT)
5 threads
95 posts
The Republic of Stella is the only major non-human country of those descended from Earthland, and its single planet is primarily populated by elves. While it is a beautiful place, and Stellans are known for their reverence of nature and the fine arts, a serious class divide exists between the elves and humans that inhabit Stella, leading to some questionable practices.

[IC] Independent Bodies

Alliance of Unified Planets
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The Alliance of Unified Planets does not have a planet or system on its own, rather, any land owned by the organization is registered as neutral no matter what nation it may reside in. The same goes for the ISC outposts found throughout the galaxy.
Outer Regions
Drifting, Dead, Amongst the Stars. (Mar 16, 2021 20:15:06 GMT)
6 threads
149 posts
The Outer Regions are areas of space, some occupied, others not, that are generally neutral in nature. Many small settlements and planets can be found in the Outer Regions that don't have much intergalactic influence, along with many strange spacial phenomenon being found.

Mess Hall

Welcomes & Absences
Yep (Feb 5, 2020 16:40:46 GMT)
11 threads
23 posts
Come in and say hi the old fashioned way or wave goodbye if you are leaving for a time.
General Discussion
Happy New Year!~ (Mar 19, 2024 21:52:58 GMT)
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50 posts
You can talk with other members here about whatever you wish.
Roleplay Discussion
A.I. Ideas? (Dec 10, 2020 8:51:38 GMT)
7 threads
34 posts
You can talk with other members about the site and roleplaying here.
ZapdosZulu: Heart Gold/Soul Silver Pokémon RP (Jan 4, 2024 11:50:47 GMT)
304 threads
564 posts
Here is where you can find details regarding other sites.


Old Profiles
Sylas de Chevallier (Feb 14, 2020 4:30:40 GMT)
1 thread
4 posts
For those profiles of characters who are no longer with us or were denied for any reason.
Modification Portfolio
Rome Mod #0 (Oct 16, 2020 21:20:06 GMT)
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76 posts
All completed modification will be stored here for future references and to avoid mishaps of any kind.
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